Below are Euka's Grade 11 & 12 pricing and enrolment steps. These are two separate programs and students are enrolled in each grade separately.
NOTE: Please scroll down to find just the enrolment steps near the bottom of this article.
Current pricing below:
Our most common enrolment for our senior program is the Assessed/University Pathway Upfront.
Option 1:
Grade 11 & 12 Assessed University Pathway Upfront - (2 separate programs)
Upfront = 4 Terms
Complimentary access to all textbooks
Includes Euka’s Registration Service
Personalised marking for all assignments from Euka Teachers
Upfront: $2,397 - Save $391
Option 2:
Grade 11 & 12 Assessed University Pathway Instalment Plan - (2 separate programs)
Four instalments of $697 - totalling $2788
One instalment every 3 months
No upfront discount is applied
Option 3:
Grade 11 & 12 Assessment Free Pathway Upfront - (2 separate programs)
Upfront = 4 Terms
Complimentary access to all textbooks
Includes Euka’s Registration Service
No personalised assignment marking from Euka Teachers; assignments are marked by parents
Upfront: $1,749 - Save $447
Option 4:
Grade 11 & 12 Assessment Free Pathway Instalment Plan - (2 separate programs)
Four instalments of $549 - totalling $2196
One instalment every 3 months
No upfront discount is applied
Many students not looking at University Pathways after Grade 12 will still consider and opt for our Assessed/University Pathway for several reasons.
Our assessment approach is centred around completing the curriculum objectives, rather than being marked based on tests and exams or receiving grades like As, Bs, and Cs. Euka doesn't mark assignments in the same manner as most schools. This is partly due to the government's report standards for homeschooling but mostly because of how it benefits our students.
Students have self-paced assignment pieces to complete each term. They are so self-paced that students could submit a term 1 assignment in term 3 to our teachers. Additionally, students don't experience the same pressure as you would with tests and exams. If an assignment is submitted below a passing score, our teachers will provide feedback, giving students the chance to re-submit the assessment. Essentially, this makes it impossible to fail.
Most families choose our Assessed/University Pathway for several reasons:
It removes the task of marking from your shoulders.
It offers more growth opportunities for students because of the extra feedback they receive from teachers.
It keeps their options open. Students at this age tend to change their minds, so this allows them the chance to gain an amazing education in a comfortable, relaxed environment while still receiving the certification they need for things like TAFE, University, and other tertiary options.
Enrolment Steps - How To Get Started:
Go to our Website:
Click on "Enrol now" on the website.
Choose an enrolment option that suits your needs.
Enter your name, and email, and make payment.
Complete the "Let's begin enrolment" email.
Once you receive the student ID (refer to emails), set the student account password.
Log into the student account. Navigate to the "Courses" section and complete the "Quick Start Guide." Subject selection is made either at the time of enrolment or following enrolment via the parent account
Fill out the Grade 11/12 Registration Questionnaire, which can be found in your emails and the "Quick Start Guide."
Expect to receive your Grade 11/12 Registration Package via email within 1-2 days.
Submit your homeschool application, including the package to the Government.
🎞️ Podcast: Euka Unveils Groundbreaking Year 11 & 12 Program