Literacy Planet Instructions

The Role of Literacy Planet in Euka's Academic Framework: Instructions & Guidance for Literacy Planet

Updated over a week ago

Getting started with Literacy Planet

If you are looking for additional resources to help your child improve their English skills, Literacy Planet is an optional program that you can utilise and it's included in your Euka Primary program.

We do not set specific lessons on Literacy Planet, but rather provide a full range of activities that cover various areas of English.
Parents can choose specific areas for their child to work on or allow their child to select their own lessons. You have the freedom to dedicate as much time to this program as you feel is helpful and necessary for your child's progress

Connecting Your Literacy Planet Account

To access Literacy Planet for the first time, we'll need to connect the service to your student program. To do this, simply log into your Parent Portal, view the relevant student program and under the "Premium Services" section you'll see the option "Request to connect service" for Literacy Planet.

Once you click the link, you'll be asked to indicate which grade you'd like to start with. Note, the grade options you're provided with will be determined by your Euka program. From example if you've purchased Euka Primary, the available grades will be limited to primary grade levels, i.e. Foundation to Grade 6.

After submitting your request to connect the Literacy Planet service, we'll process it, and once completed, we'll send you an email to confirm your account is connected and ready to access, along with your login details. You can also see this status in your Parent Portal.

Now you're all set to use Literacy Planet to assist your learning journey in English.

Login Details

Once the Literacy Planet service is connected to your program, you can view your login details at any time in your Parent Portal.

Start by logging into your Parent Portal, access the relevant student program and under the "Premium Services" section, click the "Manage" link for Literacy Planet. You'll see an option to "View login details", which will show your Literacy Planet username and password.

You can use your login details to log into Literacy Planet here.

Changing Grades

Need to change your grade in Literacy Planet? No problem, you can send us a request directly in your Parent Portal.

Start by logging into your Parent Portal, access the relevant student program and under the "Premium Services" section, click the "Manage" link for Literacy Planet. You'll see an option to "Request a grade change", which will allow you to select a different grade to use in Literacy Planet.

Once we've received your request and made the change, we'll send you a confirmation email.

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