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Grade 11 & Grade 12
Grade 11/12 - Move from UPC to Non-Assessed
Grade 11/12 - Move from UPC to Non-Assessed

Can I make the change from the UPC course to the non assessed course whilst studying at Euka?

Updated over a week ago

Transferring to the Non-Assessed Program

It is no problem at all to transfer to the non-assessed program. We do find that some students are a little overwhelmed with the first Term and panic about the amount of weekly work or assessments.

Having said that, as we are not school, we are able to provide more flexibility when needed. For example, we can send you examples of assessments so you can get a great idea of what is needed, you can choose not to do the weekly work and instead focus only on the assessments (which allows you to learn the content in a direct approach).

We only take the top three assessment marks for each subject so if you find you would prefer not to submit any assessments for Term 1, that is fine too. Be aware that when an assessment is submitted and marked, feedback is given. The student can read the feedback, make changes and resubmit the assessment giving them the opportunity to improve their results.

There are many changes we can make to support students and ensure they have the options they are wanting after Grade 12.

It may be helpful to have a chat about the process, and any changes that may benefit in this situation. Let us know if you would like to chat or if you would prefer to move forward with the change to the non-assessed program. In some cases that is the best decision, other times a few changes, less pressure, lower workload, and they are thrilled to move forward with UPC.

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