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Queensland - TAFE at School

This article explores the opportunity for TAFE whilst at School.

Updated over 2 months ago

Where you can find more information regarding whether an industry is a traineeship or apprenticeship and information on requirements for school-based students.

Priority Skills List

This is the list of programs that are funded by the Queensland Government, for students in their Senior Phase of Learning (Years 10 to 12). If the program is funded there is a dollar amount in the VET in Schools column.

TAFE at School Guides

TAFE at School Guides for all TAFE Queensland Regions can be found on this page (down near the bottom)

Prices for TAFE at School Programs

If a program isn’t funded or if a student has already used their VETiS funding, they will need to pay the TAFE at School Full Fee for their course. The price can be found on the website by searching the program that they’re interested in.

Contact Details for all TAFE at School Teams

TAFE Queensland Gold Coast

Phone: 07 5581 8810
Email: [email protected]

TAFE Queensland Brisbane (Brisbane geographical area for all non-trade industries)

Phone: 07 3244 6123
Email: [email protected]

TAFE Queensland East Coast (Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast area)

Phone: 07 5457 1100
Email: [email protected]

TAFE at School Coordinators: Jacqueline McCarthy (Sunshine Coast) and Wendy Warren (Wide Bay)

TAFE Queensland North

Phone: 07 4750 5216 (Julie – Townsville and surrounds) and
07 4078 0251 (Lisa – Cairns and surrounds)
Email: [email protected]

TAFE Queensland SkillsTech (Brisbane geographical area – trade industries only)

Phone: 07 3244 0341
Email: [email protected]

TAFE Queensland South West

Phone: 07 4694 1324
Email: [email protected]

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