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Can I switch to a different subject in Grade 11 or Grade 12?
Can I switch to a different subject in Grade 11 or Grade 12?

This article explores the option of changing to a different subject whilst in Grade 11 or Grade 12 with Euka.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Switching Subjects in Grade 11 & Grade 12

Absolutely - Flexibility is key!

It's not too late to change one of your senior subjects if your student has not yet found one that resonates with them. There are a couple of things to keep in mind with regard to a change of subject.

Firstly, the focus before the end of the academic year (whenever this happens to be for you) will be to submit at least three pieces of assessment for each subject. This is so that students may be awarded a grade on their certificate at the end of the year.

Any subjects with less than two assessment items will yield an NA on the results but even this won't stop students from participating in Grade 12 Assessed/University Pathway with Euka if they wish to. The Grade 11 results are not seen on the Grade 12 transcript.

Secondly, remember the content of the senior program can be delivered in a flexible way. With no due dates and access to all the answers and assessment examples they need, many students will find this is enough to release the pressure and work through the program at a pace that suits them.

Thirdly, each subject change comes with a $75 'box of books' fee, so we do advise taking a look at the descriptions presented in the G11/12 Handbook to make an informed choice moving forward.

​You can select subjects directly in your Parent Portal or reference the G11/12 Handbook for more information.

You can request a subject change at any time if you are in our Assessment Free Pathway.

⚠️ Please Note that in our Assessed/University Pathway subjects can only be swapped during Term 1. ⚠️

If you wish to proceed with an adjustment to your subjects, you are able to do so via your Parent Portal > Manage Programs > Manage Subjects tab

​Here you'll be able to request the subject selection change and process the $75 payment for this change (which is applicable when the adjustment is being made more than 2 weeks after initial subject selections were done)

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