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Victoria - VRQA Reporting Process

Step by Step Guide on Reporting for Homeschooling in Victoria

Updated over 4 months ago

Before reading through the information below, please watch this video:

When am I due to report to the VRQA?

The VRQA will randomly select a group of Homeschooling families registered with them each year to report. This means that you may or may not be required to report.

Even though it is possible that you will not be required to report, we of course recommend that you complete & collect the Work Samples and Parent Assessment Checklists (Refer here) from the program to ensure you are prepared and tracking learning progress.

What if I am chosen to report?

In the event of this happening, we would highly recommend you contact the VRQA to discuss your reporting requirements to ensure you have everything necessary.

Basic Reporting Template:

Have ready to submit to the VRQA as many Work Samples as possible but please ensure you have the minimum listed below:

Work Samples:
- 2 Work Samples from English and Maths for every term you covered during your recent registration period
- 1 Work Sample for every other subject, one for each term.

Parent Assessment Checklists:
You will also need each Work Sample's matching Parent Assessment Checklists. So if you have 15 Work Samples, you will need 15 Parent Assessment Checklists.

If you have added Euka's Government Report Creator to your enrolment, you will not be required to complete the separate parent assessment checklists as this is part of that premium service.


To continue your registration with the VRQA, simply notify the VRQA before 30th November if you intend to continue Homeschooling in the following year.

The VRQA will contact you prior to this date to remind you about this requirement and ask whether you wish to continue your registration. This process is normally done at the beginning of November each year.

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