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NSW - NESA Reporting Process

Can I get assistance with reporting in NSW? What's needed, Work Samples, Reporting Template, Government Report Creator Tips.

Updated over 4 months ago

Reporting to NESA in New South Wales - Guidance to Reporting

When registered with NESA, you are generally required to report 12 months after you receive Homeschool registration approval. Once you report, you will be required to re-register shortly or immediately after.

If you are not aware of your reporting due date, please contact NESA to confirm.

​In order to successfully report to NESA, there are certain requirements that need to be met when you submit your report. This article outlines what you need to prepare when reporting to NESA in order to ensure a smooth and successful process.

What You Need to Report:

Here's what you will need to have ready:

1. Contact NESA to Confirm

If you are unsure of your reporting due date, the first thing you will need to do is confirm with NESA. It's important that you understand when your report is due. Each case is treated individually, so it's highly recommended to contact NESA to confirm your reporting timeline. You can reach NESA through either phone or email.

NESA's Contact Info

Phone: +61 2 9367 8149
Email: [email protected]

2. Work Samples

You will need to prepare and submit a certain number of work samples as part of your reporting requirements. The amount of work samples needed may vary depending on your NESA-appointed administrator. It's recommended to contact your appointed AP to discuss your individual work sample requirements to ensure you have everything necessary. If you don't know who your appointed AP is, you can simply contact NESA for confirmation.

When preparing your work samples, it's a good idea to keep a few extras on hand, as the number of work samples required may vary at the discretion of the moderator.

3. Parent Assessment Checklists

In addition to the work samples, you will also need to provide the corresponding parent assessment checklists for each work sample that you submit. This means that if you submit 15 work samples, you will need 15 parent assessment checklists. These checklists provide a summary of the work that has been covered throughout the year.

Watch this Video Before Proceeding!

If you would like a more visual guide on how to prepare your report for NESA, watch this informative video before submitting your report to ensure you have everything needed.

Basic Reporting Template

If you're not sure where to start when preparing your report, here's a basic reporting template to follow. Keep in mind that your NESA-appointed administrator may have different requirements, so be sure to confirm with them before submitting your report.

Minimum Requirements:

- 2 Work Samples from English
- 2 Work Samples from Math
​- 1 Work Sample from each additional subject, per term.

Government Report Creator Tool

If you're using Euka's Government Report Creator, be sure to include as many work samples and photos as possible from each subject area, which provides an overview of all work covered throughout the year. The Report Creator allows you to add 1 work sample, per subject, per Term. This tool makes it easy to gather and submit your work samples. The reporting process is simple as you will not be required to fill in the parent assessment checklists. Our team will take the stress out of reporting.

In Conclusion

Reporting to NESA doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following the guidelines outlined in this article and confirming with your NESA-appointed administrator, you can ensure a successful and stress-free reporting experience. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact NESA for assistance.

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