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Western Australia - Preparing for your moderator home visit
Western Australia - Preparing for your moderator home visit

How do I get ready for my home visit?

Updated over 6 months ago

Arranging your first moderator meeting

Under the Education Act, the home educator is responsible for organising an initial appointment with their moderator within three months of the date they registered. In practice however, your moderator will usually make contact with you first.

If you haven’t heard from your moderator after 2 – 3 months of having received your registration certificate, get in touch with your moderator to arrange a meeting at a mutually convenient time. If you are not sure who your moderator is, contact your local Department of Education regional office.

Where will my moderator meeting be held?

Most moderator meetings will take place at the family’s home however, meetings can also be held elsewhere if necessary. Circumstances such as home renovations or moving house may mean it’s more appropriate to hold a meeting elsewhere. If this is the case, contact your moderator to discuss an alternative venue. You may need to provide photos to show that your child has places to learn and appropriate learning resources.

Who is present at the meeting?

You may wish to have your first meeting without your child present if you have sensitive information to discuss with your moderator or if your child has social anxiety or another condition that would make meeting a stranger uncomfortable for them.

The moderator will expect to see your child on a subsequent visit, although in exceptional cases, you may be able to provide videos of your child instead.

Your moderator will usually have a chat with your child first and they may then choose to do something else rather than sitting in on the rest of the meeting, although students who want to stay are welcome.

What is the format for the meeting?

There is no set format for meetings. Most meetings go for 1-2 hours depending on the number of children you have and other factors. Your meeting shouldn’t exceed 3 hours.

Your moderator will inquire as to what your educational plan and approach are, what you have been doing in your home-educating journey, how you are meeting the curriculum requirements, and how your child is progressing with their education.

The Euka registration documents can be used to show how and when you'll be covering each part of the curriculum.

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