Grade 9 - 3 Maths Options

What are the Maths options when completing Grade 9?

Updated over a week ago

Grade 9 - The 3 Options for Maths - Standards, Advanced or Life Skills?

Option 1: Standard

The first choice is to complete Grade 9 Maths using the Student Learning Portal. The activity sheets are for Advanced Maths and are therefore optional. This will give you a basic Grade 9 Maths program and cover the full curriculum. Please note: you will still need to access the Maths lessons through the Student Learning Portal and to complete any other necessary activities, such as work samples. Grade 9 textbook: You may also choose to work through the Grade 9 Maths textbook, if so, please request this.

Option 2: Advanced

The second option is to complete Grade 9 Maths through the Student Learning Portal and the activity sheets. This will provide you with a more hands-on approach to Maths, perfect for those planning to move on to Grade 10 Advanced Maths. You will notice that these sheets provide a more in-depth look at concepts. Please request the Euka Grade 9 Maths electronic textbook link to assist you in your studies, this is an extra resource.​

​Option 3: Life Skills

Lastly, you can request the Life Skills Maths program. This program allows you to spend time on Maths you will use in the world around you rather than abstract Maths concepts. It does not cover the Grade 9 Maths curriculum, but it is a recognised alternative. You can email Euka to request this - [email protected].

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